Journey to Self Discovery; Part 1

A wise man once said, ‘Life is a school where you learn how to remember what your soul already knows.’

Self discovery is defined as a process of acquiring insight into one’s own character. Self discovery is key for success in life. Note: successful necessarily doesn’t meant to be wealthy but it regards to achieving one’s goals and accomplishing one’s purpose in life.

Self discovery can be divided in to three phases that run concurrently and subconsciously define a human whole being. The phases include spiritually, emotionally and physically.

Spiritual phase.

The world is dominated by various religions. The common religions in the world are Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Religious norms and anti norms are what defines humanity as a generation.

From individual religious declaration, a human being tend to behave in line with what the religion instructs or condemns. In rare cases, men take it upon themselves to make it a life mission to exceed religious extremism.

Once you recognize the religion you affiliate to (not what you are instructed to affiliate with whether by parents or society); then you are aware of what values to life and humanity should be a norm to you and what should not.

Emotional phase

Every being is emotional to a given degree. That’s why you get some being are cold stoned while others are soft hearted. Emotions are determined by a man processing the environment they are in and give back by either embracing or against the type of environment.

Environment has a wide array of external determinants that come in contact with you ( in all your 5 senses). Your environment may be the background you live in, work in, the people you interact with, what you watch, estate you live in even what you see. You environment steers your emotional reactions. Being aware of these factors opens your knowledge of your emotional state.

Physical phase

You exist as a soul. Your body is the ” home” that houses your soul. Your mind controls or rather transmits messages to your body. Your mind is a medium that connects your soul to your body.

The human body has no limits and boundaries, in contrary to what many people believe. Your body gives life to your thoughts, beliefs and limits. Body language becomes a good tool to determine a human behavior because it effortlessly gives away the nature of the person’s soul and truth.

Being aware of your soul gives you an upper hand to control your physical state. How you think is more like training your body to situations of life, such as what and when to feed, sleep, rest, fear, run, dance or even fight disease. A body is like a raw clay and you- your soul the potter. You mould your body to the last cell of the body.

Being aware of these three basic phases that work together and concurrently are what define you for You. Always be proud and confident of you. No one is perfect in this world and you are the only version of yourself in the world. The number one mission for all beings should be the original versions of themselves.



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