Dog Grooming And Why It’s Important For Happy Dogs

dog grooming and why its important

It is evident that each day we increasingly lead busy lives such that sometimes a simple activity such as dog grooming can seem like a daunting task. It may even get worse when you start assuming that grooming your dog isn’t that big of a deal. That after all, their coat looks to be in okay shape, so why bother with the grooming? However, dog grooming at home is very essential. Their benefit not only affects your dog but also you.

Before we dig deep, let’s first explain what grooming actually is and what it entails. According to Wikipedia, Dog grooming refers to both the hygienic care and cleaning of a dog, as well as a process by which a dog’s physical appearance is enhanced. Please note that how you groom your dog varies from breed to breed, and it goes beyond just a quick swipe with a brush.

There are many forms of dog grooming and they include brushing their teeth, clipping your dog’s nails to the required size and length, brushing and bathing their coat to bring out its natural shine, and of course cleaning or wiping their ears and eyes.

Good and regular grooming eliminates mats, ticks, fleas, shedding, and stops other severe health conditions developing that you may have had no idea about. If you are trying to get your head around dog grooming then this should be a catch because we are giving you an in-depth look at how important and beneficial regular grooming is.

dog grooming and why its important

Detection and Prevention

During grooming especially when brushing your dog, you will be able to thoroughly look through its skin and identify any issues such as ticks, fleas, bald or dry patches. Any swellings or other abnormalities will also be easily detected.

This is extremely beneficial because the earlier a problem is found, the quicker you’ll be able to take action and treat your dog back to health before the problem worsens.

Further, you can take your dog to a professional groomer. Visiting a professional groomer will benefit you in a great way because it’s the best way to detect any problems that your dog might have, and early detection is very important as if you catch it early treatment is likely to be shorter, cheaper, and a lot easier.

Grooming Fosters Positive Behavior

As a dog owner, one thing you should keep in mind is that regular grooming affects your dog’s mental health as well. A good-looking, good-smelling dog with a nice haircut will light up the spirits of your dog. Your dog won’t look gloomy either.

Grooming Eliminate Discomfort

Good and regular grooming eliminates discomfort in many aspects. It’s evident that brushing is therapeutic to most dogs. Your dog will feel like they’re getting a nice massage and at the same time, you are removing dead hair. Removal of dead hair stimulates new hair growth and brings your dog’s natural oils to their skin.

brushing your dog's fur

Also, grooming helps prevent matting on longer coats. If your dog’s coat does matt easily, removing them will help your dogs. Removing dirt and debris out of your dog’s coat will also make them more comfortable, prevent further matting, and replenish their skin and coat.

Protects Feet  and Joints

Nail trimming is probably one of the most underrated parts of general dog care. But long nails aren’t just blemish, they are uncomfortable and unhealthy for your dog as well.

Long nails force your dog to change how they walk. They make your dog start walking on the sides of their feet which is not only painful but also causes bone deformations and arthritis if left untreated.

It is saddening that some dogs even have their nails grow all the way into their footpads, which in this case is extremely painful. Trimming your dog’s nails is a must no matter how difficult it may seem. It is so vital to keep them at a correct, natural length to prevent long-term damage.


Grooming your dog at home is an excellent opportunity to spend some quality, one-on-one time with your dog.

In addition to that, grooming builds your dog’s trust as you pamper them through a situation or a grooming routine that may be uncomfortable, such as cleaning their ears.

bonding with your dog

Trust me tasks like brushing, clipping, or bathing won’t seem to be such daunting responsibilities when you start looking at each grooming task as a chance to give your dog some love and attention.

Maintains a Clean Home

Besides helping your dog look and feel fabulous, grooming enhances your home’s cleanliness. The more you groom your dog especially brushing, the more hair you collect in the brush or wash out during shampooing, and this means less hair will be shed around the house and on your furniture.

Furthermore, you would most likely prefer cuddling with a clean, fresh-smelling dog versus a dog that looks like they rolled through the mud for weeks.

Final Word

Dog grooming has a lot of benefits not just to the dog but also to you. Be sure to make up some time and give your dog a good grooming session. I promise you you’ll have a stronger connection with your dog.



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